ForeSee Cluster

The ForeSee Cluster consists of six European projects, which are funded under the EU H2020 FoF-9 call – Novel design and predictive maintenance technologies for increased operating life of production systems.

Vision. ForeSee Cluster aims to develop sustainable predictive maintenance solutions for the factory of the future.

Objectives. The main objective of the cluster is to create a roadmap for predictive maintenance, which may serve as a guideline for companies that want to adapt and adopt predictive maintenance solutions.

The ForeSee projects


The ForeSee  projects
  • PROPHESY, a Platform for Rapid Development of Self-Configuring and Optimised Predictive Maintenance Services;
  • PROGRAMS, PROGnostics based Reliability Analysis for Maintenance Scheduling;
  • PRECOM, Predictive Cognitive Maintenance Decision Support System;
  • Z-BRE4K, Strategies and Predictive Maintenance models wrapped around physical systems of Zero-unexpected-Breakdowns and increased operating life of Factories;
  • UPTIME, Unified Predictive Maintenance;
  • SERENA, Versatile plug-and-play Platform Enabling Remote Predictive Maintenance.
Activity Areas

AA1: Analysis of technology in the market and in the pipeline – PROPHECY;

AA2: ForeSee predictive maintenance concept for the Factory of the Future – PROGRAMS;

AA3: Trend-setting for the future factory – Z-BRE4K;

AA4: New models for sustainable factories through efficient predictive maintenance – PRECOM;

AA5: Skills building paradigm for predictive maintenance – SERENA;

AA6: Community building and dissemination – UPTIME.

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